Stay informed on Gitxaała’s Reconciliation and Treaty response

The Lu Sa Hax Hoyaxgm Wil’nat’aał, formerly known as The Joint Committee on Reconciliation and Treaty Response (JCRTR), consists of four Hereditary Chiefs representing each tribe. The Chair of the Lu Sa Hax Hoyaxgm Wil’nat’aał (LSHH) is Txagyet, Clarence Innis and Lou Ga Gwelks, Elected Chief Councillor Linda Innes as the Voice of the Nation. The Joint Committee reports to the Hereditary Chiefs and the Band Council, which in turn, will communicate with the membership directly.

The Joint Committee is as follows:

  • Txagyet – Clarence Innis – Joint Committee Chair
  • Lax Gyibuu: Łabiks – Elmer Moody – Co-Chair
  • Lou Ga Gwelks – Elected Chief Linda Innes, Voice of the Nation
  • Lax Sgyiik: Nis hiywaas – Mathew Hill
  • Ganhada: Wii halaayt – John Vickers
  • Lax Gyibuu: Nis ma ‘awta – Clifford White
  • Gisbutwada: Inta’wii walp – Larry Bolton
  • Gugwelksm’neext – Marcia Robinson Alternate to Linda Innes
  • Gisbutwada: K’yamt haw’ – Keith Innes


July 2017 – Canada’s new policy approach to achieving reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, through a series of processes, agreements and other arrangements over time

Since 2019, BC also pursues reconciliation and related agreements, focused on closing socio-economic gaps

Reconciliation Agreements, essentially, are pathways for the reconciliation of Aboriginal title and rights with Crown sovereignty outside the modern treaty process in BC. The reconciliation agreement process:

  • Can result in multiple agreements incrementally addressing the reconciliation of Gitxaała title and rights with Crown title and rights
  • Enables some agreements to become section 35 agreements but does not require that
  • Provides funding in advance to address priority measures
  • Provides clarity in advance on the scope of the fiscal arrangement

A Reconciliation Agreements is not:

  • A modern BCTC treaty;
  • A “full and final” settlement of everything related to Gitxaała’s title and rights ” i.e. one agreement to cover everything;
  • Based on negotiations not knowing how much the fiscal contribution may be; or
  • Based on extinguishment, surrender or modification of title and rights

In essence, the reconciliation process is a non-BCTC process seeking to achieve meaningful recognition of Gitxaała Aboriginal title and rights protected by Section 35(1) of the Constitution Act, 1982 without the requirements of a modern treaty

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